Wednesday, May 02, 2007

If You're Reading This...

You probably already know what Anne announced on her blog today. (yes, i am bragging a little).

Anne knows a lot of blogs. And a lot of talented, funny people. I am certainly honored.

I have to give my muse, Taco Bell, some props. Sure they didn't pay for my education or give me invaluable writing instructions or send me Taco Bell Bucks (yet) but somehow I've managed to let this fast food chain into my mind and heart. It deserves recognition for that feat.

And for the skeptics: I don't think Anne would pick my blog simply because we are good friends - but maybe because I am taking her to the Edgar Allen Poe House in Baltimore this weekend. Hmmmm. In any case, thank you, Anne. Your attention on top of Taco Bell HQ's Will's has me feeling a little on top of the moon this week. When I get those Taco Bell Bucks, I'll send some your way since visiting Taco Bell 3 times in 5 years is shameful. Thank god I was present for one of those. Burlington 2004!


Blogger wilco1014 said...

I think you deserve not only the accolades, but the TBB. Good job Liz! Will is kind of a witty one, huh?

8:11:00 PM  

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