Thursday, February 01, 2007

Taco Bell Mocks KFed. I think. I hope...

FINALLY Taco Bell takes advantage of how dear celebrities' love their runs for the border.

It seems that Taco Bell is combining KFed's love for Taco Bell with his controversial "riches to rags" (and back again?) commercial for an insurance (which will debut during the Superbowl) to bring itself out of the e-coli limelight and into the "I want to make fun of Kevin Federline too" game. I wondered when those CEOs at Taco Bell would finally either read my blog or US Weekly.

The "top story" on US Weekly's website today is a letter the President of Taco Bell reportedly sent to Kevin Federline (whether they delivered it to his home or via the press I do not know).

It's a great letter. We'll just have to see what happens. Yes, folks, an exciting day on the blog.

P.S. I must credit my research assistant Ashley for getting this info to me a.s.a.p. today.


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