Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sure Paris Wants to Save the World Now But First...

She wants to eat at Taco Bell, according to TMZ.

It's news like this that rejuvinates my devotion to my blog. I'll feel uninspirated or lazy and wonder, "how much longer can I continue to write about Taco Bell? A year and a half is a long time-quite impressive really. Wow, I am really showing the world I can commit. Perhaps it's best if I just go out on top before I lose interest and/or steam."

These thoughts keep me up at night.

Thankfully tonight will not be one of those nights...unless I let thoughts like "Why do I have something in common with Paris Hilton?" overtake my worry-free self. I will try not to go down that road - it likely won't lead to tender feelings about myself and the life I lead.


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