Thursday, April 20, 2006

Slowing down...

Well, I haven't done significant reading on Glen Bell. The Sound and the Fury has consumed me this week. Usually, it's not difficult to have a number of books going at once, but when one of those is as intense and sad as Sound and the Fury...well, I'm afraid the Taco Titan has remained on the nightstand since the initial intrigue. Truth be told, I read the first (short) chapter. There were a few good passages, but basically it focuses on Glen's parents and who the hell cares about them?

I did get to the part wherein he sells his first taco to a salesman. He sees the taco innards dripping onto the salesman's tie and thinks "that's the end of the taco business" BUT the salesman, instead, said, "that's good. i'll have another." SUCCESS for Glen. Said salesman probably didn't notice the sauce and cheese on his tie until he arrived at his sales gig, only to be turned down, what with looking like he ate off his tie and all. So maybe he never ate another taco before work, but at least he gave Glen the confidence to keep on keepin' on with the tacos. by the way, the main item at this stand was the hot dog. i guess that's important knowledge. even back then (the 50s? i don't remember), you didn't have to be mexican to make a good taco--just had to have a cool hat.

I feel the need to confess: I haven't been to taco bell in awhile. i have my reasons. none of them good (pants that don't fit, swimsuit season and a reunion approaching, tank top weather etc etc etc. LAME. less lame: i haven't left the city in awhile and there's only so much dingy taco bells a girl can visit). HOWEVER: i will be traveling this weekend to colonial williamsburg. that's right--i'm going to immerse myself in american history and eat sludge and play that "let's force the indians off their land and pretend it's ours" game. camping and concerting and winerying will be sides. BUT this means that we'll have 3 hours in the car twice in three days to pass by clean taco bells. and that means monday, i will post pictures of at least one, if not two, taco bell visits. which, when combined with the new grey's anatomy on sunday (finally!), means i don't have to read about Glen Bell for awhile. I'm afraid I'll have to wait until page 300 to find out what Bell Gardens is and how's he's using it to cure all disabilities.


Blogger anne altman said...

I hear you! Swimsuit season and Crunchwrap season are two different seasons for sure. Enjoy your stay in colonial Williamsburg! Did you read "Choke" by Chuck Paliaialiaianuknuknuk? Whipcreamy recommended it to me and it's hilarioussssssssssssssssss

5:15:00 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

i hated it, actually. HATED it. but i enjoyed the colonial amusement park satire. if you love that part of the book, read george saunders' pastoralia. seriously. please. it's great.

8:18:00 AM  
Blogger anne altman said...

will do. and as soon as i get 'waiting for my cats to die' from jimmy, i'm sending it to you asap.

8:51:00 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

woooooooohooooooooo. i am expecting it to change my life, you know. hurry up, jimmy.

8:52:00 AM  
Blogger Taco Bell Champion! said...

Fucking Colonial Williamsburg and Taco Bell? The only things better are:
- The White House and Taco Bell
- Declaration of Independence and Taco Bell
- "I Have a Dream" speech and Taco Bell
- Indiana Jones and Taco Bell
- My hot girlfriend (who is somewhat snobby) and Taco Bell

Have fun. I love your blog and have linked to it on my own for a while. If you support the cause, take a look:

We have uncomfortably similar formatting!

3:25:00 PM  

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